Weight Loss Specialist

Chicago Surgical Clinic
Surgery Clinic located in Arlington Heights, IL
Is there any treatment available that can help you accomplish your weight-loss goals? The specialists at Chicago Surgical Clinic in Arlington Heights, Illinois, have an answer — and it often doesn’t involve conventional invasive surgery. They often recommend the Orbera® intragastric balloon for individuals struggling to overcome the health risks, appearance issues, and loss of self-confidence associated with excess weight. For more information about Orbera and medically supervised weight loss, schedule a consultation online or by phone today.
Weight Loss Q & A
What is Orbera?
Here at Chicago Surgical Clinic, we recognize that obesity is a chronic disease and we are pleased to be able to offer Orbera, the newest addition to our wide variety of services. If you want to lose weight, yet feel like you've done all you can with diet and exercise - Orbera could be your solution. Orbera is a weight-loss program that includes temporary placement of an intragastric balloon that fills some of your stomach, delaying gastric emptying and making you feel fuller faster with no surgery required. The program is designed to decrease your appetite as you learn to master meal portion control by retraining your brain to recognize when your stomach is full.
The gastric balloon remains in place for six months, but the program itself lasts a year. During that time, you receive ongoing support and coaching from dieticians and other healthcare professionals who are experts in helping you overcome unhealthy habits that contribute to weight gain.
The goal of Orbera is to help you lose weight successfully and, better yet, maintain your weight loss through healthy nutrition, regular exercise, and a mindset that focuses on overall health rather than fad diets.
Your weight loss procedure will be performed by Dr. Yelena Levitin, a surgeon, and a Fellow of American College of Surgery. She is a general and trauma surgeon, specializing in minimally invasive surgery with over 20 years of clinical and endoscopic experience.
Your Orbera procedure will be done at Associated Surgical Center, which is accredited by the state, Medicare, and by The American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities for Outstanding Patient Safety.
Our staff looks forward to helping you. Please call our office at 847-215-0530 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Levitin to find out if ORBERA® is right for you.
If you have any specific questions or concerns, please contact our ORBERA® Coordinator, Shelley Burnette, RN, at 773/991-6610 (phone or text) or by email at shelly@cscplace.com.
For more information regarding the procedure, please visit www.Orbera.com.
What are the advantages of Orbera?
There are many advantages to the Orbera weight-loss system compared to other programs. The loss, for instance, is fast enough to keep you motivated, up to three times faster than diet and exercise alone, for most patients.
Many diets can help you lose weight quickly but offer little support for the important second step — maintaining your weight loss. The Orbera program tackles both issues. As you lose weight during the six months the balloon is in place, you learn to develop healthy eating habits that promote permanent weight loss.
Most bariatric weight-loss surgeries alter the size and shape of your stomach permanently. The FDA-cleared intragastric balloon is placed with a simple, nonsurgical procedure that is temporary and completely reversible. No incisions, stitches, or scars, involved.
What can I expect during Orbera placement?
After you’re sedated to help you relax, your Chicago Surgical Clinic physician inserts the deflated gastric balloon into your stomach via your esophagus, the tube that carries food from your throat to your stomach. Once in place, your surgeon fills the balloon with a saline solution until it is about the size of a grapefruit. After six months, the balloon is removed with a similar procedure that works in reverse: the balloon is drained and extracted with a small tube inserted through the esophagus.
For a permanent solution to excess weight, call Chicago Surgical Clinic or schedule a consultation online today.
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