Life Saving Colonoscopies

Why Should You Get a Colonoscopy?
It helps to detect the probability of rectal or colon cancer. In fact, most colorectal cancer can be avoided through appropriate screening and early detection. Research shows that 60% of deaths are preventable with a colorectal screening.
Colonoscopy contemplates the underlying cause of rectal bleeding, GI distress, diarrhea, or other medical conditions.
It is crucial to identify the growth of polyps.
There is a certain type of polyps that have more chances of turning cancerous than others. Determining which are most dangerous can be greatly reduced by getting a screening at the right time.
Once detected, polyps can be examined and removed through colonoscopy screening.
- The process is relatively simple and straightforward. During your appointment, you and your physician will discuss how to prepare for your procedure, and you will be conveniently scheduled at our outpatient surgical center (located in the same building as your doctor's office). The procedure generally only takes about 30 minutes, and you can go home the same day.
When Should You Get a Colonoscopy?
- Current guidelines suggest that without any family history of colon cancer, screening colonoscopies should be done once every 10 years, starting at the age of 45.
- For those that do have a history of colon cancer, it is recommended that screening starts at age 40, or 10 years earlier than your relative was diagnosed, whichever is earlier.
Call us to schedule your life saving screening, or click here to request an appointment on our website. We look forward to seeing you!
*Information sourced from research by Kaiser Permanente & Digestive Disease Specialists*
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